Monday, November 21, 2016

Living to work ?

Living to work ?

Your life does not bring you everything you expect from it. Certain things seem to you vain, small and petty. Do we work to live or do we live to work? How long of our existence will the professional activity set, finally, on the whole ? And later ? What do we do ?

Spending all your childhood to prepare your professional life so that this one takes you only a quarter of the total; isn't it a deal of fools ? Working, getting married, making babies, buying a house, preparing your pension and at the end to bow out, here is in summary what the society suggests you to make with your existence.

Without counting all the risks of everyday life, the loss of your employment, the resale of a house which you cannot pay anymore, the divorce, the disease, the mourning, the fire or the flood of your house, its destruction by a tornado where you lose all that you believe to be your life.

You well understand that it is absurd, then ?

What do you do ? Stop working, getting married, making children, bying a house? There are alternative, marginal forms of existence which bring, as the decrease, the community, the monastic life, the charitable implication and so on.

There is also a spiritual search. Some people suspect that the life holds more than what they have seen in it. Those dash into a diligent spiritual research and nowadays, with internet, they have a shortcut: they enter, in their search engine, a keyword, for example spirituality and find thousands of links which lead them to this blog, to others, in forums, books, articles and they don't know what to choose.

The secrets arcanum 

Sometimes someones try to acquire powers, bookish knowledge on the esotericism for an elite. Others look for strong sensations, go out of their body to travel in the astral, as the stalk taken by a hot draft. Still others try to read the akashic records, curious they want any knowledge.

Really these steps have nothing spiritual: the subject of the spirituality is not the knowledge, nor the acquisition of powers countered or paranormal no more than the entry in a sphere of elected representatives, no. The subject of the spirituality is to make that your life is complete and not only on a material plan.

Live in three dimensions  

Living your life on the material plan, where the emotions are a part, is as to live in two dimensions. Living in three dimensions is the spiritual life. The material things, the trees, the animals, the human beings, the rocks, the sky, the sun, the clouds, the vegetables are a part of the spirituality. 

The spirituality is often as a patchwork where everybody finds what he sewed by taking a small piece here and an other one there. It is a self-service. If you want something truer, which is not your invention nor a religion full of prohibitions and dogmae, then the happy spirituality, the original-yoga brings you an answer. Attention the original-yoga is not a yoga as this word is usually used ! Soon I would explain you what the word yoga means.

A spirituality of all the life 

The happy spirituality, or original-yoga, is a spirituality where all which makes the existence, the family, the social and professional life, can be put. No sacrifice is required or even necessary. It is possible to put all your existence in this spiritual life, to do that evrything making your existence becomes spiritual. Instead of letting enter the spirituality to one of the compartments of your filofax, between the meeting with customers and the shopping in the supermarket, you can make that the professional meeting and the shopping be part of your spiritual life.

The spirituality by doing the dishes

Still better: you can make that the crockery, your toilet, the cooking is a part of your spirituality. The spirituality is the whole life and it is possible to laugh there, to like there, to do any sorts of things. The spiritual life is not a succession of difficult asceticisms, which are not natural you. The spiritual life is really a happiness, a Grace.

The intelligence is not forbidden 

In spirituality the intelligence is not forbidden, even if, at certain moments thought is of no utility, as during the seated, deep Meditations. The intelligence, the logic and the science are not the enemies of the spirituality, that is why you will not find, in the happy spirituality, preconceived ideas nor miracles no more than magic.

If you seek to be whole, with the Conscience of this deep nature that is in deep down of you, then be the very welcome and do not hesitate to contact us.